1. First I congratulate the class on performing so well. 2nd intake for VJC especially 07A15 wil be hard as almost all of us here is staying for good.
2. Second I want to thank all those who lent their hands to me during the URSA banner...especially Leanne and Saira(No thanks for painting on our limbs)It looks really nice and the fact that we completed in an afternoon makes us really proud.
3. I wish to ask everyone still interested to join my Outsiders club to inform me asap.
We need a -photographer/videographer
-sound engineer (for back-masking and sound-management when uncovering possibly haunted places which is one of the places we'll explore)
-a front-of-the-house representative for enquiring accessibility of places and publicity
-a spirit medium (unimportant...I dun wan to sound like we r forming SPI@VJC)
-and lastly people who r totally crazy about exploring unknown, crazy, fun and scary places in Singapore.
The concept was put together after an initial failure to just start a culture appreciation club due to obvious lack of interest.
Our newly drawn up list of activities will include the elusive thief's market, hidden smuggler's route to malaysia, hidden sculpture graveyard of Haw Par Villa(said to be scary n out of bounds to public) , as well as visits to places during special occasions such as vesak day visit to BrightLight Hill.
Pls tell me asap if you wanna join as I intend to get everything settled and set up a CCA booth during 2nd intake.
4. Victorian's secret pls take note of the mon slot...its very crucial for the snrs.
Apologies for the long post...
From Happy AhYang
He was so happy that he grabbed Jon Junior and they skipped across the school hall singing the Victorian anthem in front of CNA reporters and cameras and also jump on top of 7 of his good friends, resulting in 3 of them going home with sore shoulders. The principal was not spared either...he got chased after for "offering" angbaos to AhYang and his friends...
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