Friday, March 16, 2007

farewell, welcome and do you know we have a celebrity in our class?

hey A15,

while we are very sorry to lose Cassandra, Enid and Jessica to A14, we are happy that they have a better timetable. Stay in touch, ya? I will miss Cassandra's "happy-go-lucky" zoned out look, Enid's slightly worried expression when I'm suanning her (kidding) and Jessica's sweet smile.

That said, let's welcome Tingkai. Don't play play, he's super pro at Chinese and a very friendly chap, from what I've seen.

And after seeing Risk, a student movie by Southeast CDC youth unit, I realised that Serena was in it after seeing the credits. Confirmed with Nadia of A12 that Serena is indeed in the movie. Way to go.

Know that term 2 is starting, I am reminded of the first game A15 played as a class, at the beginning of term 1, when the class achieved the seemingly impossible--passing the ball through everyone's hand in 4 seconds? i think that A15 is capable of so many more "impossible" and more important achievements, if we ALL support one another. the mutual support has wavered quite a bit as seen in O2 but what's past is gone. we can do better now.

ms chia

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